Circuit Membership Rules
1. Membership of riders and recording of horses is required to participate in year-end awards, but is not required to compete in shows. Please complete your nomination form carefully and include all the information requested. Please be consistent when entering horse/exhibitor at the horse show so that the names correspond with the nomination form. Also, don’t forget your mailing address, phone number and email address so that we can contact you if we have any questions.
2. Points will count from date of membership and recording.
3. For 2025, riders must compete in three (3) of the circuit shows in a division to be eligible for year-end awards.
4. A recorded horse and rider combination only will count for points in any division. In hunter divisions, the rider may change from show to show, but not within the division on the same day.
5. Members riding 2 or more horses in the same division may substitute a rider in the under saddle class if they are also mounted and competing in those classes. The rider must be nominated for the points to count.
6. In equitation, riders may accumulate points only in one division. They must ride a nominated horse to accumulate points. Equitation riders may change horses from show to show, but not within the division on the same day.
7. Ties will be broken by points over fences or by the most difficult class.
8. Points will be as follows, no matter how many entries are in the class: first 10, second 6, third 4, fourth 3, fifth 2, and sixth 1.
9. Cross entering may be done only as specified in the rules and division descriptions. Anyone incorrectly entering divisions will lose all points incorrectly received and will return all ribbons. No entry fees will be refunded.
10. All ponies must be measured. We will accept current USAE, MHSA, or 4-H measurement cards.
11. Riders must jump the same height in a division for the day. Riders may change heights if entered in another division, or in the same division at a subsequent show.
12. Show managers will act as stewards, and their decision is final. Any questions or concerns should be brought to their attention. Judge's cards will not be available for inspection at the show.
Circuit Show Rules
1. Riders are guests of the hosting farms, and must abide by the farm’s policies. Hosting farms and the Blue & Gray Horse shows LLC have the right to refuse an entry for any reason.
2. Warning - In accordance with PA Act #93 of 2005 you assume the risk of Equine Activities Pursuant to Pennsylvania Law.
The hosting farm, its owners, employees, or volunteers and the Blue & Gray Circuit, its officials, volunteers, or employees will not be responsible for any accident, injury, loss, or theft which occurs at the show or on the grounds.
3. All entrants must sign a release before showing. Juniors 18 & under must have an adult sign.
4. Please check in (or have a representative check in) with the show office prior to your classes with payment or an open check.
5. Ten-minute schooling breaks are limited to the following division, and will be timed. Anyone who needs extra schooling can purchase more schooling time at the secretary stand.
6. Classes will be run by USEF rules whenever possible. Should a question arise that is not covered by those rules or this program, it will be referred to the show committee, whose decision is final.
7. Hard hats and proper footwear are required when mounted. Riders must wear protective headgear with a secured harness. We strongly encourage ALL riders to wear an ASTM certified helmet with a secured harness while mounted! FOR SAFETY AND INSURANCE REASONS all piercings that risk entanglement or injury must be removed. Failure to do so could result in elimination and loss of points for the day. The show manager's decision shall be final on such matters.
8. When competing, riders must wear a riding jacket, breeches or jodhpurs, and boots. Protective headgear is mandatory while mounted. When management permits riders to ride without jackets, traditional, short, or long-sleeved riding shirts with chokers or ties OR solid color polo shirts will be allowed in judged classes. In the case of extreme temperatures, jackets may be banned for all riders. The Show Management or Judge may eliminate an exhibitor who is inappropriately attired.
9. Schooling will be permitted in the ring at designated times corresponding with the divisions entered.
10. During schooling, riders in traveling opposite directions should pass left shoulder to left shoulder. Fences should only be jumped in the direction specified on the course posting. Diagonal lines may be opened individually during each session.
11. All fence heights are approximate.
12. Dangerous or unsportsmanlike conduct in the schooling ring, during breaks, or while competing, AND/OR lack of soundness or condition is cause for dismissal from the class or show at the discretion of the judge and/or the show management.
13. Scratches for a refund must be done before the class begins.
14. A current Coggins test is required for all horses on the show grounds. The Blue & Gray Circuit is compliant with The Equine Vaccination Rule. Exhibitors must provide documentation of current EIV and EHV (flu and rhino) vaccinations to our show offices. ONLY MEMBER PAPERWORK WILL BE KEPT ON FILE BY THE CIRCUIT! We ask that you check your horses temperature before hauling to our facilities to continue to help give everyone peace of mind while traveling and showing. We will accept the following proof of vaccination:1) certificate of vaccination from a veterinarian 2) an itemized bill for services from a veterinarian 3) completed USEF Vaccination Record (used for self administered vaccines). This form is available on our "Links" page.
15. No dogs will be allowed on the grounds. **NO EXCEPTIONS!** A second warning will incur a $25.00 fine.
16. Water may be limited. Please bring your own.
17. Classes with 20 or more entries will be split. The class will be run in sections. The top riders from each section will be called back, and the class will be pinned with 1 set of ribbons and points.
18. Pre Entries are $20.00/ class except for the Hunter Classic and Medal, which are $25 each. Anyone who pre entered may add or change classes at the initial cost. Entries recieved after the closing date will be $25/class, with the Hunter Classic and Medal $30 each.
19. Shows will start at 8:00 AM.
20. Cross entering may be done only as specified in the rules and division descriptions. Please read the information in this program carefully! Anyone found incorrectly entering a class or division will forfeit all ribbons and points earned in that class or division on that day and/or for the season.